miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Pettition Letter

Dear Local Authorities from Calcuta ,

 I am Mateo Rolon Righetti , I am 13 years old and I attend Newlands School.
 I am writting to exprerss that Calcutta has too many problems and we are very concerned about transport system and employement in Calcutta. With reference to the transports problems , what happens is that most of the people either walk or use the overcrowded public transport system. The buses are insufficient to carry everyone , traffic noise congestion and pollution continue despite the addition of a second bridge over the hoogly and an underground system.
 The employement problems are that ,  those with jobs tend to work in the informal section and use their home as a place of work; the front of their houses are "opened clothes" . Few people are totally unemloyed.
  I´m writing this letter to you to be aware of the problems that Calcuta is facing at this moment like the ones we have mentioned
  People´d like to have a better urban life, to have a proper job and to have good means of transposts. The situation in Calcutta is inhuman.
Thank you for your cooperation

Mateo Rolon.

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


   C.A.P stands for "common agricultural police" this was set up in 1962 in Europe.
    When it started , some of the objectives were : creat one single market in wuch agricultural products move freely , to give financial support to farmers, To increase the average of field size , farm size and farmers income.In this Essay we are going to talk about the adventages and disadventages of the C.A.P.
     The advantages are the followings : Many people can have a job , so , more money enters , prices of things are not high , and therefore everyone can buy things, farmers , instead of having a life , a hardworking life , they have a "normal" life , and they have more free-time.
     The disadvantages of the Common Agricultural Police (CAP) are the next ones : there was an increase in food prices , peripheral farm untis were still very small and often uneconomic , high cost of subsidies , farmers spent insufisent time working in farms and destructions of hedges to create larger fields destroyed  wildlife and increase the risk of soil erosion. The ones that weren`t involved in the C.A.P dindn`t sufferd all this.
      As we can see, the C.A.P brought advantages and disadvanteges for the market.  

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The Lake Distric national park

You can´t imagine what a beautiful place I visited just two days ago in Great Britain. There were many people there.
 The best thing of the Lake District National Park is that there are mountains , valleys , landscapes , etc. The landscapes provides relax and pleasure ; also there are sandy rivers , etc.
 In my opinion , the Lake District National Park is a place where you must go with all your family , appreciate the sightseeing (if you go alone or with a fiend or boyfriend/girl) and enjoy the many ecosystems.
 To sum up , the Lake District National Park is a place to go at the weekend , to enjoy it , because it is almost unique. 

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


Los hielos continentales , cubren una superficie parecida a la de Capital Federal.
En estos hielos , se realizan expediciones , unas de las más conocidas es la de Expedición Bicentenario. Que trata de gente que hace expediciones a diferentes lugares de la Argentina , y una de ellas es a estos Hielos.
 En la expedición a estos hielos lo que hicieron fue enterrar en una parte de los hielos , capsulas que contienen sueños de niños que fueron escritos en el 2010 para luego ser leídos en el 2110 en el tricentenario de la Patria.
 La gente que hace esta expedición , es la gente experimentada en tipos de lugares como estos. Para hacer la expedición , obviamente necesitamos un equipo especial. Ejemplos , Zapatos con clavos.
 Ellos generalmente , van de a tres , pasan por el cerro FitzRoy , uno de los más difíciles de escalar.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Aquí , en este video lo que queremos es consientizar a la gente para que se de cuenta de que los Hielos Continentales Argentinos estan en GRAVE RIESGO , estos hielos son una de las reservas mas grande s del mundo y no los cuidamos.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Life in Argentina

Life in Argentina could be bad or good.But , also it`s a very beatiful place .Also , Argentina could be a bad place because there are people that kill you , peolple that rob you , the prizes are very high abd most salaries are low.There are very contaminated places , traffic , poor people collecting things , or begging , and so on.
 But , as I have said Argentina is a very beatiful place because it has continental glaces , mountains , " Esteros del Ibera" , the biggest Aveniew , Volcanoes , lots of beaches , For Example , Mar del Plata or Santa Teresita , the "salinas" , the best empenadas and meet you have ever seen. So , to sum up Aregentina isn`t a perfect place but , you can live , as I do.

Report to Hittler of how to recruit young people

 The purpose of this is to tell you that tenagers like music and computers.
Nowadays kids like pop music, like Akon and others like reggae, because this music is very relaxing and nice to listen to.
What can you do with this?
You can persuade them with this music , you can give mp3 to each of them with this kind of music.
 Kids , also like computers because , it is very cool and it has a lot of things to entertain , such as Internet with Facebook , Twitter , Msn , and others.
What you can do ?
 You can buy and give them some netbooks , 1 every 2 for them to entertain them and to communicate with others friends or , the family.
 To sum up , you can give them the netbooks with music and Internet , so that they have all in , they don`t get bored and they come to the party us well.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Rio de Janeiro , The place you won`t like to vist

  Rio de Janeiro is situated arround a huge natural harbour of Guanabar but this doesn`t matters , what maters is if you have gone or not , I have been there and it is not as beatiful as you think.
  In Rio de Janeiro there is half-a millon people homelles , over 1 millon live in favells and others 1 millons is poor-quality. Favells are informal shanty-type settlements. When I saw all this people , beegin only for 1 cent of dolar or just a pice of cloth and leaving in this conditions , I felt very dissapointed becuase , I thought it wouldn`t be like this .
  The only thing that I liked is that there is a strong community spirit and a rich street life and plenty of football and somba music.
  As you see  , for me Rio de Janeiro isn`t a beatiful place for going , because of this reasons , so before before going think twice.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Texto e Imagen de la Expedicion Bicentenario.

La gente de la epoca Bicentenario , pondra sus testimonios en unas cajas de cajas de metal selladas y seran entregadas a expedicionistas para enterrarlas , ponerlas bajo el agua , etc.
Luego , de colocar las cajas se tomaran la latitud y longitud de donde se colocaron las cajas.
Tambièn , se hara lo mismo pero con "Los sueños de los Chicos" , de la epoca del bicentenario de la patria.

Video Expedion Bicentenario